What We Believe
Loving God and Loving our Neighbors
What We Believe
We believe that God’s love is changing the world and shaping our lives. We believe in a loving, liberating, life-giving God. We follow Jesus with our hearts, minds and arms open wide, ready to love God, our neighbors and the world.
Jesus Christ is the living expression of God. He draws together both human and divine. We hope to be “both/and” Christians, drawing together and embracing Catholic and Protestant, reason and mystery, beauty and justice, ancient traditions and the wisdom just over the horizon, discipline and freedom, flesh and Spirit, deep faith and probing questions, the cross and the resurrection.
We believe the Holy Spirit is on the move even now, revealing new ways of knowing God in our time.
All Saints is part of the Episcopal Church, a branch of the Anglican Communion – a family of churches around the world. We are grounded in a shared practice of common prayer. We have a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to tell and exemplify God’s love for every human being.
Learn more about what the Episcopal Church believes.
The Episcopal Church doesn't believe that being a part of the LGBTQ+ community and being Christian are mutually exclusive. We believe God's love is for everyone and that God created each of us on purpose—exactly as we are.
The Episcopal Church has taken a stand. We ordain openly gay and lesbian priests and bishops, marry and bless gay weddings, and support the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ people in our common life of faith.
We believe that God loves you – no exceptions.