Welcome to Worship
If you are visiting us for the first time, know that you are not alone. We have all shown up for the first time here once too! We are so happy to have you join us for worship and community. Here at All Saints we are an authentic and accepting bunch— so please come as you are!
“Those who sing pray twice.”
Music is an essential part of worship. It can create a space for God to meet us, lift our spirits, and take us to places of prayer unattainable with words alone. We love to sing together and music is central to our worship. All songs are noted in the worship bulletin containing the service we will use for the day.
Everyone is welcome to share in communion. Communion is the sharing of bread and wine that has been blessed for all God’s people. You can receive the bread and/or wine, by extending your hands and receiving the bread and taking a sip of the cup of wine or dipping your bread into the wine. If you would like to receive a blessing instead, come forward and cross your arms over your chest and we will happily offer a prayer for God’s blessing upon you. If you don’t want to receive, you can also use this time to pray for and contemplate God’s movement in your life. Gluten free wafers are always available.
Children are central part of our church. We love having children of all ages take part in our church. We know that children wiggle and make noise. That’s totally fine - really! It makes us smile and brings joy to our community. We do have children’s coloring sheets and worship bags in the back. We also offer Nursery Care (ages 0-3) and our Junior Saints Sunday School class (ages 4-12) each Sunday in our downstairs Children’s Formation suite. Parents are welcome to drop their children off before worship and retrieve them during coffee hour or before the Eucharist is distributed. Children in Junior Saints enter worship with their teachers each week during the passing of the peace.
When you arrive
All Saints is tucked into a beautiful residential neighborhood. Some of our members enjoy being able to walk to church! If you are driving, parking is on-street parking anywhere on Parkman Place or Grand Vista Ave. Enter through the red doors and greeters will offer you a warm welcome and answer any questions you might have. Feel free to sit anywhere you like! There is no expected dress code at All Saints and we invite folks to wear whatever makes them feel best.