
Sunday Morning Worship at 10:00am and Coffee Fellowship immediately following the service at 11:00am


We are AllSaints!

All Saints seeks to celebrate God’s presence in the world and strives to love our neighbors in all that we do. We are located in Pleasant Ridge, a vibrant and diverse neighborhood in the heart of Cincinnati, Ohio. Our intergenerational church community cares deeply for one another, and is hospitable to all who come through our doors.

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here.


children & family worship service this sunday, sep 22

Join us this Sunday, September 22nd for our quarterly Children and Family Worship Service. Children will lead the service, taking on the roles of ushers, readers, servers, communion bread bakers, and more. It will also be the debut of our newly named children's choir Junior Singing Saints led by Miss Abby Ryan. Following the service, all are invited to join us for a blessing of the recently completed McOsker Children's Formation Center in the lower level of the church.


New Beginnings: Cincinnati String Project CONCERT on oct 6th at 5pm

Join us on October 6th as the Cincinnati String Project (formerly 4-Way) welcomes two new members and gives their first concert as a new quartet at All Saints. They will be featuring works both old and new, from Beethoven and Fanny Mendelssohn to Caroline Shaw, Paul Wiancko, and Vijay Iyer, along with a usual mix of folk song arrangements from the Danish String Quartet, and a few surprises.


We are all saints.

We believe that each of us is an image bearer of God. God’s light shines through us. Saints are not perfect – we are real people, we are flawed, we make mistakes! But we love God together. We are people of prayer and we seek to follow Jesus, God’s living light. We are connected, part of this “great cloud of witnesses” here to inspire each other and call each other to become more fully present to the Spirit of God in all people. When our lives shine with love — God’s presence is made known in our world. 

We are learning together how we can become more and more like Jesus.  By opening ourselves to the way of love, we become holy, shining like the light, radiating the love of God. Like Jesus, we too can be the dwelling place of the Holy One.